Product Code: RTPB (25mm thread)
Product Code: RTPB32 (32mm thread)
Product Code: RTPB50 (50mm thread)
The PumpBuddy® valve is an inlet control device which allows for variable minimum and maximum water level settings within a water tank when filling from a pump.
The Pump Buddy valve is ideally used in situations where a tank is being filled using a pump.
The ability to set a minimum level (at which point the valve opens) and a maximum level (valve shuts) prevents unnecessary wear and tear on the pump due to frequent ‘stop-start’ cycles that are typical when filling via a standard float valve.
Data Sheet
The PumpBuddy® valve is an inlet control device which allows for variable minimum and maximum water level settings within a water tank when filling from a pump.
The Pump Buddy valve is ideally used in situations where a tank is being filled using a pump.
The ability to set a minimum level (at which point the valve opens) and a maximum level (valve shuts) prevents unnecessary wear and tear on the pump due to frequent ‘stop-start’ cycles that are typical when filling via a standard float valve.
Data Sheet
Code: RTPB (25mm thread)
Code: RTPB32 (32mm thread)
Code: RTPB50 (50mm thread)
The PumpBuddy® valve is an inlet control device which allows for variable minimum and maximum water level settings within a water tank when filling from a pump.
The PumpBuddy® will be closed when both weights are submerged (maximum water level). The valve will remain closed until the bottom weight is exposed (minimum water level). The valve will then open and remain open until the maximum level is reached.
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We ordered 3 tanks at agfest last year.
We recieved them on time and they were placed by the delivery driver exactly where they needed to go.these tanks are well finished ,solid and look great.
David & Michelle Broadbent
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